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Objectives and Target Groups


– Familiarisation and training of academic, technical and administrative staff in partner Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with best practices in EU Universities regarding education on Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) and Energy Efficiency (EE) in Buildings.
– Modernisation of the structure, content, learning outcomes and teaching methods of selected modules at all levels related to RETs and EE in buildings and their implications.
– Improvement of Skills Development of master and PhD Students and technicians will be also supported through Specialized specific modules (modelling of energy systems, advanced energy materials) in order to update them for meeting career requirements.
– Implementation of the modernised modules and novel ICT based teaching methods in Partner HEIs.
– Implementation of the EU-like standard quality assurance of the content of modernised modules, their teaching methods and examination procedures.
– Improving quality of education by ensuring that didactic materials and training methods in Partner HEIs satisfy EU quality assurance requirements and using distance learning technology.
– To develop high quality Project Network, including industrial companies, administrative and public bodies (decision makers) and other Universities in the Region.
– To improve the employability of graduates at national and international levels

Target Groups

Students: Bachelor, Master, PhD, and VET

Our modernized courses in Renewable Energy Technologies

Academic Staff at Partner Universities

Our project offers valuable training opportunities for academic staff at partner universities.

Technical and Administrative Staff at Partner Universities

Technical and administrative staff 

External Stakeholders

We welcome collaboration with external stakeholders, including enterprises, national and regional