International Business College Mitrovica (IBC-M), Project Team

Dr. Jelena Djokic
Dr. Jelena Djokic is An Academic Director and Professors of Environmental Studies at IBC-M. She has PhD in Environmental Engineering and is specialized in using formation technology in Environmental protection. Published more than 30 articles in international scientific journals and participated in numerous conferences as an invited speaker. Dr. Djokic is an expert in the area of environmental management. Dr. Djokic is/was involved in numerous environmental projects concerning sustainability and Waste management. She has managed numerous infrastructure projects as project coordinator, project advisor or an expert/consultant. Engaged as a senior researcher in two projects financed by the ministry of sciences: Global climate change impact to the environment (responsible for Northern Kosovo in cooperation with EU commission) and the impact of industrial waste deposits on human health (also Northern Kosovo).

Afete Musliu. PhD
PhD studies attended from 2011-2015 at Agricultural University of Tirana, in Tirana, Albania, to obtain title of Doctor of Environmental Sciences. Until present, she published 36 Scientific publications in different international and national journals, out of which, 20 as a first author and, 16 as a co-author. Since 2015 working as a professor at higher education institution, initially at Higher Education Institution “Globus”, aftermath at HEI UBT in Prishtina, holding academic title of Assistant Professor in 2015 and academic title of Associate Professor in 2021, mentoring dozen of student’s thesis in bachelor as well as master studies, being also participant in many different higher education projects. Since 2023 onward, joined Public College IBC-Mitrovica as a Professor in the field of environmental and agricultural management programme.

Jelisaveta Marjanovic
Lecturer at the Faculty of Environment, Technology and IT at International Business College Mitrovica. She holds a Msc degree in international management and leadership. With 10 years of practical working experience in project management, she has worked in international cooperations, such as project implementation for European Union office in Kosovo and German Cooperation – GIZ Kosovo. In addition, her scientific research is focused on the implementation of new methodologies in waste management, landfilling and circular economy with published papers in international journals and conferences.

MSc. Damir Gashi
MSc. Gashi is part of the Business Development department at International Business College Mitrovica. MSc in Environmental Management and Lecturer in the faculty of the Environment and Technology. Excellent organizational skills gained during 19 years of work with international organizations. Participated in several environmental protection research projects. Hands-on experience across a broad spectrum of activities, conducting experiments or gathering and analyzing information.

MS. Gresa Ferri
Ms. Gresa Ferri is in charge of the Business Development (BD) and Consulting Services Department at IBCM. The BD department has gained extensive experience by developing and implementing various projects for the Kosovo NGO community and international organizations. These projects have focused on areas such as business and community development, community links, agriculture, and the environment. Ms. Gresa Ferri is a dynamic manager with a broad range of experience in project implementation and business planning and development. She has worked for several public and business organizations and is currently a candidate for an MSc in Environmental Management. Ms. Ferri has in-depth knowledge of the business and public communities of Western Balkans and Europe.