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The University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), Project team

Dr. Juan José Hernández Adrover ​

(Project coordinator & UCLM team leader)

Full professor of Mechanical Engineering. Expert on biofuels and waste-to-energy technologies (thermochemical processes), and member of different associations dealing with RETs and H2 technologies. He has participated in setting up and developing different modules on energy topics at both bachelor and master levels in national (University of Castilla-La Mancha, University Jaume I of Castellón) and foreign universities (Université Paris-Est Cretail), and he has supervised several PhD students focused on this area. He participates in different committees of the Spanish government for promoting and funding research and innovation in the renewable energy sector, and he is a member of the Energy Efficiency board at UCLM. His research and teaching expertise includes a sabbatical year at the University of Michigan (USA, 2021-2022), a research stay as a visiting professor at the University of Toronto (Canada, 2016), and a research fellow position (post-doc) at the University of Birmingham (UK, 2002-2003). He has been involved either as the main researcher or as a member of the team in several research and technological projects (more than 50) dealing with sustainable fuels, waste-to-energy, and circular economy. Together with more than 100 scientific papers in highly recognized journals, he is also an Associate Editor (or guest editor in special issues) for JCR journals such as Results in Engineering, e-Prime, Journal of Cleaner Production, and Global Nest Journal. He has participated in two Erasmus+ previous projects related to renewable energy technologies and cleaner power systems, respectively.​

Dr. Magín Lapuerta Amigo

(Team member)

Professor at University of Castilla-La Mancha since 1995. Previously, he was assistant professor at University Politécnica de Valencia, where was doctorated in 1988. Leader of the Fuels and Engines Group since its foundation (1996). Research on combustion and emissions, with emphasis on environmental effects. Sabbatical year at Pennsylvania State University (2010-2011), and half-year stages at University of Toronto, Canada (2014), and CETAM (Centro de Tecnologías Ambientales, Chile). Awarded with the technological innovation prize from Castilla-La Mancha (2005). Member of the Fuels and Lubricants Scientific Committee (UNE) and of the Biofuels Committee from the Spanish Association APPA.

Dr. José Rodríguez Fernández

(Team member)

Full Professor of Mechanical Engineering specialized in Thermal Systems, and member of the Technical Committee for biodiesel of APPA (Spanish Association for Renewable Energy). His research lines covered new cleaner combustion modes and alternative biofuels for internal combustion engines, among others. He has co-authored about 55 scientific papers in JCR journals and participated in more than 20 research projects. He has 16 years of experience (full responsibility) in teaching thermal energy-related modules in bachelor’s and master’s degrees at UCLM, including different levels of responsibility in the management of the Mechanical Engineering bachelor degree. He has also a broad experience on the definition of strategies to decrease the CO2 footprint in the transport sector.

Dr. Ángel Ramos Diezma

(Team member)

Associate Professor of Thermal Systems and Energy conversion and management. Expert on the deployment of new technologies for decarbonizing the road transport sector. He has also experience in real driving emissions with attention to the effect of residual and renewable fuels from different feedstocks on engine performance and pollutant emissions.

Dr. Esperanza Monedero Villalba

(Team member)

Researcher at the Renewable Energy Research Institute (UCLM). Her research has been mainly focused on biomass characterization, pelletization, combustion, and gasification (with particular attention to the effect of the use of residual biomass from different feedstocks). She has supervised several PhD students in this area, presented about 30 papers in international conferences, and published more than 28 scientific articles in top peer-reviewed journals. Her research expertise includes research stays at the University of Wuppertal (GE), and at the Process Chemistry Centre of Turku (FI). She has taught as an associate professor in two periods (2010-2013 and 2014-2021). She has participated in two Erasmus+ previous projects related to renewable energy technologies and cleaner power systems, respectively.

Dr. Amparo Pazo Catalán

(Team member)

Researcher at the Renewable Energy Research Institute and focused on biomass combustion and gasification, with particular attention to fouling deposit formation. Her research has always been closely linked to the needs of the local energy business community. She has worked on several projects with companies such as IBERDROLA or SMURFIT-KAPPA and supervised several Engineering Master students. During a stay at the University of Aston (UK), she worked on a European innovation project for the development of a mobile pyrolysis system and managed the demonstrations of this equipment at different sites.

MSc. Jesús Sarrió Martínez

(Team member)

MSc in Science, Technology, and Innovation. With more than 15 years of work experience in the public and private sector, he currently works at the University of Castilla-La Mancha as a technician for European projects, especially in the Erasmus+ programme.

PhD. Francisco Javier Castilla Pascual

(Team member)

Architect (1995) and PhD (2004) at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He had his own office and professional practice until 2010, combined with teaching in the field of building construction at UPM, UAH and UCLM, as Associate Professor and currently at the Department of Applied Mechanics and Project Engineering at UCLM. Teaches in “Construction”, “Calculation of Structures” and “Sustainability in Construction” at the Polytechnic School of Cuenca until 2022 and currently of “Structural Materials” and “Structural Engineering” at the School of Industrial Engineering of Albacete. Co-director of the research group “Energy and Structural Modelling and Analysis in Building and Civil Engineering” (MAEE), responsible for the topic related to traditional construction as a reference for the development of new technologies based on sustainability and the use of vernacular materials (earth, straw, stone, wood) as a strategy to reduce the environmental impact of buildings throughout its life cycle. He has published numerous papers related to earth as a building material and has participated in numerous national projects and standards committees on the subject. He is Accredited Evaluator by Green Building Council Spain (GBCe), Member of the Spanish Passivhaus Platform (PEP) and of the Technical Association of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (ATECyR), with the title of Energy Auditor and Manager in Building and Industry.

In recent years he has also directed his research to the application of BIM methodology and the creation of digital twins for the analysis, maintenance and dissemination of architectural heritage and civil works.